A question popped into my DMs over the weekend.

“Do you feel you need to resolve your limiting beliefs and inner child issues in order to find your soul purpose”?

Firstly (and frustratingly) you are never not ‘on purpose’ - everything you are currently experiencing or feeling is exactly where you need to be and what you need to be experiencing. Annoying I know, but true.

I know that feeling, the feeling that you aren’t living your purpose, that you are meant to be doing something else with your life. When I worked in media I felt so ‘off path’ - I was constantly, desperately trying to work out what my thing was, what I should be doing. I get it. (But I’m also pretty grateful now that I got paid to learn about client service, marketing plans, business objectives and channel strategies).

I believe that our souls are always speaking to us. So, if your soul is yearning for you to take that art class, create that business, or write that book then that’s the direction in which you need to move in.

Does that always feel easy? No.

Does that mean limiting beliefs might pop up along the way? Hell yeah.

In my experience ‘finding your soul purpose’ is a dance between listening to your higher self, your intuition, that gut feeling… taking action towards that… and clearing the limiting beliefs that pop up along the way. Any one of those three things might be the first thing to do, and the dance never ends, it just changes rhythm and it starts to feel easier.

I am still deepening my relationship to my higher self and my intuition… and will be until the day I die.
I am still clearing limiting beliefs that pop up along the way.
But it does start to feel easier and lighter the more time goes on.

The most common blocks I see with my clients when it comes to finding our purpose or path are;

  • Being worried what other people will think or how they will be judged.

  • Not knowing how to listen to their intuition or higher self.

  • Feeling frozen in fear not knowing what action to take.

  • Being scared of losing old friendships, or relationships.

  • Not having a clear vision of future self or the life they want to create.

It’s not just going to land in your lap one day. You need to take action in some way. For some people that’s about listening to a nudge. For others it might be about healing a limiting belief or childhood issue as a first step. Take some time to listen to your soul. It knows the right next step.


